
A Digital Portfolio


Here’s a collection of Adrielle Esteban’s creative works both as an Advertising Director and a DaVinci Resolve Colorist. Doing both can get crazy. So here’s an attempt to keeping things organized.


Straight out of college, Adrielle apprenticed under a top colorist in the Philippines. Her job as an assistant colorist gave her an opportunity to meet and work with advertising directors which awakened her passion to direct audio-visual materials. After a few years, she took a leap of faith and ventured into directing advertisements. A full fledged colorist, she color grades not only a wide range of materials of other directors but also hers as well.


Adrielle started directing films since 2012 and then advertisements since 2017.

A graduate of the University of the Philippines Film Institute, her film thesis won in the Manhattan International Film Festival in 2013 and was recognized by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts in 2014.


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